
Vancouver Island University (VIU)

VIU is a partner in EleV, a collaborative initiative that is creating opportunities for Indigenous learners to be full partners in their education and journey to work.

In 2017, building on the financial contributions from government, the private sector, and Indigenous communities, the Mastercard Foundation  committed $13.5 million over five years to VIU to enhance the holistic support for Indigenous learners.

The partnership with VIU includes:

  • Doubling the number of Indigenous students at VIU by matching the number of young people attending the school through funding from First Nation communities. As a result, 500 Indigenous students will complete their studies.
  • Supporting more than 1,800 Indigenous students, including services provided by Education Navigators on campus and in communities, to help guide them throughout their postsecondary education. This approach will contribute to improved retention and graduation rates.
  • Supporting younger learners, from Qeq (toddler) through to high school, to develop their leadership skills and build a pathway to postsecondary education.

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