Leading Website on Microfinance Performance Partners with The MasterCard Foundation for Re-Launch
WASHINGTON D.C., December 21, 2009 – The Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. (MIX) announced the re-launch of MIX Market (www.mixmarket.org), the global platform for microfinance data, analytics and business information. The website was redesigned and the underlying database rebuilt to allow for the rapidly expanding network of microfinance institutions and their broader array of products, services and metrics. The new platform also provides increased functionality and tools for all users. Importantly, MIX Market now includes the availability of all content in English, Spanish, French and Russian, with Arabic content coming online in early 2010.
“Thanks to our partnership with The MasterCard Foundation, we were able to invest in a flexible and strong technology platform that will allow MIX Market to evolve along with the microfinance industry. Now our users have access to three times more microfinance data than was previously available, with many new features that allow for improved analysis and customized reporting,” stated Marten Leijon, executive director of MIX.
Developed to help improve transparency in the rapidly growing but diverse microfinance industry, MIX Market is an online marketplace for data, analytics and benchmarks on the institutions that provide financial services to the world’s poor. The database is the deepest in the industry, with financial, operational and social performance data on more than 1400 microfinance institutions (MFIs) throughout the developing world.
“The MasterCard Foundation decided to collaborate on the MIX Market rebuild because of its impact and importance in the microfinance sector. MIX Market is a one of a kind service that provides microfinance institutions with a platform to improve their transparency while marketing their organizations to potential investors. In teaming up with MIX to rebuild the site, The MasterCard Foundation seeks to ensure its continued use by all actors in the microfinance sector,” said David Myhre, Director of the Microfinance Program at The MasterCard Foundation.
Maria Teresa Zappia, Managing Director, Investment Analysis, for Blue Orchard S.A., a Swiss-based microfinance investment management company, said, “MIX Market plays a critical role in the development of the microfinance sector, and it is an important input for the team at Blue Orchard when sourcing new MFIs for funding. The data and benchmarking features are particularly useful as they allow us to really dig into the data and perform our own analysis on a company -, regional -, and even industry-wide level.”
“Built on the platform that The MasterCard Foundation helped establish, and with the ongoing support of our core funders, our strategy calls for continued development of MIX Market. Our users can expect to see new data sets and functionality in the coming months. For example, in the first quarter of the new year, we will add data on microfinance funding structures, allowing our users to gain a better understanding market trends, while providing a tool for MFIs in seeking competitively priced funding,” said Marten Leijon.
About MIX
The Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. (MIX) is the leading provider of data, analytics and business information for the microfinance sector. Dedicated to strengthening the microfinance sector by promoting transparency, MIX provides detailed financial, operational and social performance information on those institutions that provide financial services to the world’s poor. MIX does this through a variety of publicly available platforms, including MIX Market (www.mixmarket.org) and the MicroBanking Bulletin.
MIX is a non-profit company founded by CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) and sponsored by CGAP, the Citi Foundation, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, Omidyar Network, IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and others. MIX is a private corporation.