
Enhancing Lead Firm Structure for Youth Employment

Target Impact

To create 281,960 direct dignified and fulfilling work for young women and men and contribute to the creation of 279,739 indirect job opportunities.


Target: 280,000 Youth in Work



  1. Improved Lead Firm access to business development services and financial services
  2. Improved Lead Firm capacity efficiency
  3. Improved farm-level performance and diversification
  4. Improved MSME/Lead Firm performance and competitiveness

Status: Active








Tourism & Hospitality


Impact to Date


Young people have received trainings in agribusiness, financial literacy and business management (115,000 are young women).


Young people have accessed work opportunities (80,000 female).


Lead firms onboarded and supported to drive youth engagement and job creation since inception of the project.

Continuous engagement of government on system-wide issues including, gaps within policies that affect the business sector including the Start-up policy, creation of a progressive tax regime, and unlocking regional markets.

Partnership Focus

Implement the Lead Firm Structure to improve production, promote value addition and create vibrant markets with focus on the young people.

Professionalize business development services experts and link their services to MSMEs and Lead Firms to increase their competitiveness in the market.

Improve the capabilities of leaders of 50 businesses to ensure readiness and sophistication for growth and competitiveness.

Improve the business ecosystem through evidence building and dialogue with relevant authorities.

In Partnership With

Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) is Uganda’s apex body for the private sector. It is a government implementing partner for various initiatives and plans to bolster Uganda’s private sector as a driver of economic expansion. In partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, PSFU is implementing the Lead Firm structure for youth employment. The Structure focuses on increasing incomes in Uganda to stimulate greater demand for goods and services, which will in turn lead to increased production and growth at household, enterprise, and Lead Firm levels.


PSFU Uganda Website

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