Mastercard Foundation Brand Guidelines
The Brand Guidelines provide the Foundation employees and partners with a system for representing the Foundation, and contains guidance on the use of official brand marks, language, photography, colours, typography, and obtaining permissions.
Download the Mastercard Foundation Brand Guidelines
Brand Mark
The Mastercard Foundation brand mark is used on internal and external communications. The brand mark is comprised of two elements; a logo and word mark.
The logo is modelled after Mastercard International’s corporate symbol, and composed of two intersecting circles. The Foundation word mark is produced in lowercase “Mark for MC” font. It is important to note that in written text, we are referred to as the “Mastercard Foundation” with capital letters. Authorized master artwork must be used to reproduce the signature. It cannot be recreated or scanned from previous communications. You must contact the Foundation for approval before using the signature on non-Foundation products.
Foundation Logo and Artwork Files
Brand Mark Usage
- The Foundation’s brand mark should appear prominently on all print and digital materials created by partners.
- Partners must use approved Foundation brand marks reproduced from master artwork.
- If the Foundation is a partner’s primary funder, its brand mark should be displayed more prominently than the secondary funder on all print and digital materials. If the Foundation is a secondary funder, the primary funder’s brand mark can be displayed more prominently. If the Foundation is an equal funder, its brand mark should be the same size as other funders.
Brand Mark Types
1. Full Colour, Preferred Version
In the preferred version of the Mastercard Foundation signature, the corporate symbol and TM symbol appear in three process colours (Mastercard Red, Mastercard Orange, and Mastercard Yellow). The Foundation wordmark appears in one match colour (Pantone Black) on white or light-colour backgrounds, or reverses to white on black and dark-colour backgrounds.
2. Grayscale Version
The grayscale version is used when printing in black ink only. In the grayscale version, the brand mark appears in black and tints of black. The Foundation word mark and TM symbol appear in black on white or light-colour backgrounds. When printing on black or dark-colour background, an alternate gradient is used for the logo. The Foundation word mark and TM symbol reverse to white. Never invert the positive grayscale artwork to create the reverse version, or vice versa.
3. Solid Version
The line art version is available for special uses (e.g., one-colour printing, premium items). When printing on a white or light-colour background, the logo, word mark and TM symbol appear in black. When printing on black or dark-colour backgrounds, the corporate symbol, word mark and TM symbol reverse to white.
Brand Mark Size

Minimum Size
The minimum size for printing the brand mark is 0.5” (12.7 mm) wide. For on-screen applications, the minimum size is 36 pixels wide. By following size and TM symbol standards, you will ensure the Mastercard Foundation signature is visually consistent and legally protected.
Minimum Free Space
To ensure the signature is never compromised, it must stand alone, surrounded by a minimum free space. Nothing else may be printed in this rectangular free space. The amount of required free space is proportional to the height of the word mark. For print applications, the free space around the signature must be equal to or twice greater than the height of the Foundation word mark. For on-screen applications, the free space around the signature must be equal to or greater than the height of the Foundation word mark.
Incorrect Use of the Brand Mark
When using the Mastercard Foundation brand mark, you must not:
- Omit the orange centre shape.
- Recolour the circles.
- Outline the circles.
- Recolour the word mark.
- Display or reproduce at insufficient resolution.
- Reconfigure or reposition elements of the brand mark.
- Individually resize components of the brand mark.
- Enclose the brand mark in a holding shape.
- Change the font of the word mark.
- Position the word mark within the circles.
- Omit the word mark.
- Alter, add, or combine other text to the word mark.
About Mastercard Foundation
The Mastercard Foundation is a registered Canadian charity and one of the largest foundations in the world. It works with visionary organizations to advance education and financial inclusion to enable young people in Africa and Indigenous youth in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. Established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company, the Foundation is an independent organization separate from the company, with offices in Toronto, Kigali, Accra, Nairobi, Kampala, Lagos, Dakar, and Addis Ababa. Its policies, operations, and program decisions are determined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and leadership.
For more information on the Foundation, please visit
More Information
For questions about these guidelines or to request more information, email us at: