
Harnessing the Potential of Hospitality and Tourism for Young People’s Employment

2017-2018 Youth Think Tank Report

With over one billion young people set to enter the global labour market over the next decade, the opportunity for the largest youth generation in history to reshape economies is upon us. With this opportunity comes an urgency to find solutions that unleash the agency of young people to build their confidence, amplify their voices, and ensure they have the skills needed for work. To date, however, how to support young people in leading economic change has remained unclear for employers and policymakers alike. All too often, this is because young people are not engaged as experts who are capable of not only answering these key questions, but also adding unique value and perspectives that decision-makers may lack.

This youth-led research into the hospitality and tourism sector highlights the voices of young people who were interviewed by their peers regarding the challenges and opportunities presented by the sector. All too often, the perspectives and voices of young people are absent when this sector is examined. This research attempts to fill this gap by elevating these voices.

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