During the global COVID-19 pandemic, Mastercard Foundation and Africa CDC partnered to save the lives and livelihoods of millions of people and hasten the economic recovery of the African continent.
This bold partnership, Saving Lives and Livelihoods is a $1.5 billion initiative that addressed the urgency to purchase COVID-19 vaccines supporting the delivery of vaccinations to millions more, as well as in the longer-term ensure Africa’s health security and response to future pandemics.
The journey has been transformational across different levels, contributing to the vaccination of 52% of the target population in Africa, administering over 32 million doses as of June 2023, and building a strong health workforce for Africa through the training of 37,000 health workers and enabling work opportunities for over 22,000 people in 25 member states.
Here we tell the impact stories of the Saving Lives and Livelihoods initiative with the hope to inspire and further drive the efforts towards pandemic preparedness, integration, prevention, and response.
Peter Chome, Enforcement Officer - Kilifi County, Kenya
Peter Mwenza Chome, an enforcement officer in Kilifi County, had a close brush with death after contracting COVID-19 in the line of work, which also led to the loss of his four close friends. He became a symbol of fear at the workplace and neighbourhood due to the stigma associated with COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic. Upon recovery, these experiences inspired him to become a health champion, where he educates people about good health practices such as handwashing, wearing masks and getting vaccinated.
Sammy Ntooki, Community Health Promoter - Kajiado County, Kenya
Sammy Ntooki is a Community Health Promoter (CHP), creating awareness in his local community about COVID-19 and other health-related matters such as post-natal care. Being a CHP with a disability, Sammy has defied many odds in his quest to commendably serve the community by ensuring they access the much-needed health services. To deal with the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, Sammy proactively engaged different community members through door-to-door outreaches and even led by example when he publicly took the vaccines to assure his community about vaccine safety. He walks 28 kilometres a day conducting outreach and mobilization activities. He dreams of serving his community and being remembered for his selfless work.
James Kobaai, Chief - Kajiado County, Kenya
James Kobaai is a local chief and, by extension, a community opinion leader who played an instrumental role in ensuring public adherence to the COVID-19 guidelines. At the pandemic’s peak, his office faced challenges such as public disregard of social distancing guidelines and later vaccine hesitancy as locals opted for traditional herbs. Working with the Kenya Red Cross, the Ministry of Health, and Community Health Workers, among other partners, they worked around the clock to ensure public compliance. Post the pandemic alarm stage, Chief Kobaai’s office continues collaborating with the Saving Lives and Livelihoods partnership to ensure widespread vaccination within his locality.