Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Resilience (MESMER)




October 2022 – September 2027


In Partnership With

First Consult, along with four banks, forms a robust partnership that combines business expertise with financial muscle to support and empower MSMEs across Ethiopia.

Target Impact

410,800 Youth in Work.

Impact to Date

  • 146,808

    Youths engaged

  • 48%

    Of the youth engaged, 48% are young women

  • 87,226

    Youths accessed work opportunities (55% young women).

Partnership Focus

Support MSMEs with access to finance, business development, and psychosocial services to build resilience and create youth employment. Unlock barriers to finance for MSMEs. Enhance support to MSMEs and financial institutions. Expand to new business types and support post-conflict recovery. Facilitate access to credit and grants. Provide business development services and psychosocial support. Strengthen MSME lending operations and credit risk management.