Sustainable Access to Finance to Enable Entrepreneurship (SAFEE)




December 2023 – November 2028

In Partnership With

Kifiya Financial Technologies Plc, a digital financial solutions in Ethiopia and our key partner in creating a powerful financial ecosystem, unlocking access to finance for young entrepreneurs across Ethiopia.

Target Impact

2,181,155 Youth In Work.

  • 10,746

    Youths engaged (78% young women).

  • 2,611

    Youths accessed work opportunities (80% young women).

  • 434

    MSMEs supported with loans and 6 banks onboarded.

Partnership Focus

Enable 2.18 million young people to find work through uncollateralized digital financial services for MSMEs. Improve digital, financial literacy, and business skills. Enhance credit access for vulnerable youth. Scale technology for inclusive credit scoring and digital lending. Capacitate financial institutions to address youth needs. Implement inclusive liquidity facility and credit guarantee scheme. Strengthen regulatory environment for uncollateralized digital lending.