Enterprise for Youth in Agriculture through Tech-enables Vegetable Production

Target Impact
The program is engineered as a solution to youth employment in Nigeria by gainfully engaging 44,400 young people (70% female) in fully sponsored agricultural training and free farm setup kits for practice over 144 acres of farming area. The program also supports them in creating 240 unique youth-led businesses that would directly place 12,000 (70% female) young people in dignified and fulfilling work, indirectly creating 31,200 agricultural jobs and 45,000 young Nigerians skilled in hydroponics.
Status: Active
2022 – 2025

Impact to Date
The program has reached 6,000 young people who have graduated from the training on a 72-acre cultivated farming area.
4,000 young people have been supported to gain work or start their businesses.
120 agricultural businesses started with an indirect impact of over 14,000 agric-jobs created.
13,000+ young people skilled in hydroponics.

Partnership Focus
Climate-smart, tech-driven, year-round, peri-urban agricultural production and training and forming a pool of young hydroponics experts, building sustainable businesses individually or as groups leveraging the “work and learn” adoption model.

In Partnership With

Eupepsia Place Limited, or Soilless Farm Lab, prides itself on being a technology enabler for agriculture. Its vision is to ensure “a world where food production is not seasonal because hunger is not.” It has developed and deployed protected technology (called greenhouse farming) with soilless farming technology (hydroponics and aquaponics) for crop growth. It also deploys artificial intelligence for precision-based irrigation in farming. Eupepsia believes the process of food production must be healthy for the farmer, healthy for the consumer, and healthy for the environment.
Eupepsia developed all these basic tools to solve the problems facing agriculture (traditional primary crop production) in Nigeria. It focuses on maximizing production, encouraging youth involvement, and motivating women to farm.