BlueBiz Program

Target Impact

The program seeks to harness the potential of the Blue Economy to create economic opportunities for young people while contributing to protecting ocean resources.


Blue Economy involves several sectors, industries and services such as fisheries, tourism and recreation, coastal protection, marine biotechnology, carbon sequestration, transport and trade, energy, minerals, waste disposal and biodiversity.

Status: Active




2023 - 2027


Access to Finance

Impact to Date


The program has trained over 30,644 participants on four key business survival skills modules using digital platforms.


Disbursed $3,642,990 to 19,894 (99 percent) participants out of 21,000 applications already approved.

Brought on board several ecosystem partners, including 1) Technology partners Retail Pay and Maisha Meds, 2) eyeglasses provider DOT Glasses 3) researchers Busara, the University of California San Diego, and the Women Economic Empowerment project partner in collaboration with the University of Nairobi.

Partnership Focus

The program is open to young women and men (aged 18-35 years) with a passion for success in these five coastal counties: Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, and Lamu.

The program works with aspiring and current youth entrepreneurs to sensitize them on existing opportunities in the Blue Economy and support them in setting up new businesses or diversifying and increasing their income streams to strengthen their resilience.

Young people are trained in entrepreneurship skills, facilitated to access finance, and linked to markets and networks to enable their success.

Activities in the program include:

  • Supporting young people to improve their skills in business, finance, technical, value addition, marketing, and soft skills.
  • Supporting young women and men entrepreneurs and local organizations in the Blue Economy to have improved access to financial services (e.g. loan products) and information to enable their success.
  • To link young entrepreneurs to markets and networks that expand their businesses.
  • To sensitize young women and men on work opportunities available in the Blue Economy and their environmental impacts.
  • To support local organizations with the capacity to sensitize and train young people on entrepreneurship and soft skills that enable them to start and run successful businesses in the sector.

In Partnership With

TechnoServe is a nonprofit organization operating in almost 30 countries around the world. It works with hardworking women and men in low-income communities to ensure they gain the skills, confidence, and connections to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries. Linking people to information, capital, and markets has helped millions create lasting prosperity for their families and communities.


URL: TechnoServe

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