


2022 - 2027

In Partnership With

Established in 1896, the Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD) is a non-profit, private foundation recognized as being of public value under Senegalese law. To find the root causes of diseases and create novel intervention techniques, IPD works with the most prestigious partners worldwide. Molecular biology, epidemiology, entomology, biomathematics, bioinformatics, and other multidisciplinary skills enable the institute to address a broad spectrum of public health issues.

Target Impact

Create a training hub to enable young people across Africa to acquire skills in vaccine manufacturing, production, and distribution.

Partnership Focus

Access to vaccines guarantees the best protection and health outcomes for Africa’s youth. Immunization is the bedrock of a robust primary healthcare system and one of the most cost-effective public health interventions available. The MADIBA project (Manufacturing in Africa for Disease Immunization and Building Autonomy) addresses this need. IPD has established a consortium of donors and financial backers to build a state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing infrastructure in Senegal, which will serve as a Center of Excellence for education and training in vaccine manufacturing for young Africans across the continent.