NSSF Hi-Innovator Program

Target Impact
The Hi-Innovator program provides a strong network of business incubation centres coupled with systemic financing (seed funding) to support young women and men, refugee youths and people living with disabilities to develop and grow their own enterprises while creating work opportunities.
Target: 44,000 Youth in Work
Geographical location: Country-wide
- Strong and an effective network of business incubation centers built across Uganda.
- Entrepreneurship community in Uganda with enhanced Business Development Skills.
- Systemic investment finance growth for entrepreneurs catalyzed.
Status: Active
Micro Enterprises
Small Enterprises
Medium Enterprises

Impact to Date
Enterprise Support Organizations have been empowered and strengthened to grow their businesses while helping entrepreneurs to understand their business models.
Small and growing enterprises have been seed funded to scale up their businesses, increasing their sales and income generated.
Young people have accessed job opportunities. These jobs have either been created, sustained and/or improved.
Female entrepreneurs have benefited from the program through trainings in business management, contributing their business growth.
Young people have enrolled in the self -learning Business Academy acquiring both basic and advanced business skills.

Partnership Focus
Build capacity for 20 Entrepreneur Support Organizations across the country.
Identify and nurture at least 100 scalable companies through the Hubs.
Train at least 75,000 entrepreneurs (approx.70% women) to enable them to gain access to markets and financing.
Support at least 500 highly impactful, scalable businesses with seed funding.

In Partnership With

NSSF Uganda is a National Saving Scheme mandated by the Ugandan government to provide social security services to employees. In partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, NSSF is implementing the Hi-Innovator program to support young women and men to develop and grow their own enterprises while creating work opportunities and increasing contributions to the NSSF pension scheme. The program provides a certified entrepreneurship skills curriculum and a network of business incubation centres coupled with systemic financing (seed funding).