

Target Impact

The partnership with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation (MECP) will enable the policy environment to create a more inclusive growth economy that should provide significant employment opportunities for the youth.

Status: Active




2019- 2024



Partnership Focus

Strengthen MPEC’s institutional capacity (pool of high-level experts, offices, equipment).

Create a department in charge of private-sector development and public-private partnerships.

Host a coordination platform for youth employment, supporting a permanent secretariat to lead coordination efforts.

Provide data through studies and collaboration with Senegal’s national statistics agency for data collection and analysis.

In Partnership With

The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation (MEPC) was established in 2019 with the primary objectives of facilitating the formation of public-private partnerships and promoting the growth of the private sector. The MEPC’s duty is twofold: 1. to oversee the creation of national development strategies, guarantee their execution, and keep an eye on the Sustainable Development Goals; and 2. to carry out demographic trend studies and analyses.

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