Access to Inclusive and Affordable Finance
Target Impact
To enhance the knowledge of 100,100 youths, including young women and refugees, through financial literacy and entrepreneurship education training, as well as business development services.
Target: 100,100 Youth in Work
Geographical location: Country-wide
- Improve the Bank’s capacity to identify youth market segments and develop credit risk profiles and tailored products which will be reflected in reduced non-performing loans.
- Market linkages through the Bank’s support, to increase access to markets for the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and young people.
- Extend additional affordable credit from the Bank’s resources to 10,000 MSMEs and 50,000 youth, young women and
refugees, which will give them the capital needed to expand their operations by leveraging the credit guarantee.
Status: Active
Tourism & Hospitality
Impact to Date
Youth have been reached through financial literacy, business skills training, and credit usage knowledge.
Young people enabled to access work opportunities through extending affordable and friendly financial facilities.
Accounts have been opened, and over 18,000 collateral free and affordable credit/loan facilities have been provided to young people with an average loan of USD 600 to start and grow their businesses.
Partnerships have been developed with development organizations, Lead Firms and the government to effect community engagements.
Partnership Focus
Offer tailor-made training to credit staff, Trainers and 100,000 youth, young women and refugees.
Disburse credit to MSMEs, young people and refugees.
Train 10,000 MSMEs in business development, financial management and business growth and financial literacy training to 100,000 youth.
Conduct digitalization training and recruit 3,000 youth as Bank Agents.
In Partnership With
Equity Bank Uganda Limited has partnered with the Mastercard Foundation to enable young women and men, including young refugees, to access dignified and fulfilling work through the financing (loans) of MSMEs. The Bank works at all levels of the value chain in selected sectors, leveraging digital technology for reach.