The Foundation works with more than 100 partners in countries across Africa and in Canada. Together, we have improved the lives of more than 25 million people and their families.
Project: Access2Access
Amount: $15.6 million
Countries: Liberia, Rwanda, Zambia
Serve 600,000 new, active customers, 75 percent of whom are engaged in farming or agribusiness.
Improve household incomes and increase well-being and security through the use of agents, mobile agri-financial services, and tools.
Strengthen local bank management and technical capacity through talent development initiatives with 1,800 staff.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Expanding Agricultural Finance in Rwanda
Amount: $11.5 million
Countries: Rwanda
Increase access to and usage of financial services for 352,500 agricultural entrepreneurs.
Test innovative digital and agent banking channels that can facilitate low-cost distribution of financial services nationally.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Leaders in Teaching
Amount: $12.4 million
Countries: Rwanda
As a Leaders in Teaching partner under the TRAIN and LEAD pillars, the AIMS Teacher Training Program equips secondary school teachers with gender-responsive teaching tools for math and science, leads the establishment of smart classrooms, and supports the strengthening of school leadership. AIMS’ public engagement and outreach increases public support for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, particularly for young women.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Hanga Ahazaza – Inspiring Managers/Grow Your Business
Amount: $4.5 million
Countries: Rwanda
African Management Initiative (AMI) will provide supervisors and aspiring supervisors in the tourism and hospitality sector with hands-on management and leadership skills training. AMI will also support entrepreneurs in this sector to drive growth in their businesses and create employment opportunities.
Visit African Management Initiative’s website>
Related Initiatives:
Project: Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
Amount: $10.8 million
Countries: Rwanda
Support 125 graduate-level Scholars in completing their education at the master’s level in order to expand their career options. Catalyze economic development in the region through strategic use of information and communications technology (ICT).
Related Initiatives:
Project: Leaders in Teaching
Amount: $0.2 million
Countries: Rwanda
As a Leaders in Teaching partner under the RECRUIT pillar, CMU works with UNICEF to provide technical support to strengthen data-driven decision-making in education. CMU will also map international best practices in education data and explore opportunities to apply “big data” and artificial intelligence to public sector planning and management.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Support for Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning in ICT
Amount: 1.2 million
Countries: Rwanda
Support the development and growth of the Centre for ICT by advancing the understanding of demand for EdTech across the continent and provide training and follow-up support to EdTech entrepreneurs.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Hanga Ahazaza – Upskilling and Management
Amount: $6.0 million
Countries: Rwanda
Provide training to 1,280 young Rwandans through an online training program.
Visit Cornell University’s website>
Related Initiatives:
Project: Hanga Ahazaza – Learning & Research
Amount: $1.9 million
Countries: Rwanda
Dalberg will support functions related to the monitoring, learning and coordination of partners. Working closely with the Foundation, it will support the development and implementation of an initiative wide, cohesive learning framework and data collective system.
Visit Dalberg Limited’s website>
Related Initiatives:
Project: Hanga Ahazaza – Institutional Development
Amount: $6.3 million
Countries: Rwanda
Support capacity development of key national institutions in Rwanda by strengthening the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ecosystem and developing workplace training modules for Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centres, key industries, and regulatory institutions.
Visit Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’s website>
Related Initiatives:
Project: Language and skills training to the tourism and hospitality industry in Rwanda
Amount: $2 million
Countries: Rwanda
This joint program with the Rwandan Development Board primarily focuses on English proficiency and communication skills, which have been identified as a critical challenge for the industry. It also boosts essential hospitality skills, including knowledge about the attractiveness of Rwanda as a premier tourism destination and a focus on how to offer world-class service during events and conferences.
Visit the EF Education First website.
Related Initiatives:
Project: Rwanda Tourism and Hospitality Champions
Amount: $3.0 million
Countries: Rwanda
Provide support to early-stage entrepreneurs from conception to validation, with a focus on young women. Build a platform and a community where aspiring women entrepreneurs are supported and trained to become tomorrow’s champions in tourism.
Related Initiatives:
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