
The Foundation works with more than 100 partners in countries across Africa and in Canada. Together, we have improved the lives of more than 25 million people and their families.




  • Access Microfinance

    Project: Access2Access

    Amount: $15.6 million

    Countries: Liberia, Rwanda, Zambia

    Serve 600,000 new, active customers, 75 percent of whom are engaged in farming or agribusiness.

    Improve household incomes and increase well-being and security through the use of agents, mobile agri-financial services, and tools.

    Strengthen local bank management and technical capacity through talent development initiatives with 1,800 staff.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • IFC

    Project: Partnership for Financial Inclusion

    Amount: $37.4 million

    Countries: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Madagascar, Pan - African, Senegal, Tanzania, Zambia

    Increase access to financial services for 5.3 million poor clients by scaling up IFC’s strongest cohort of microfinance institutions.

    Innovate and expand successful business models in mobile financial services and facilitate exchange of global best practices.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • Itad

    Project: Learning Partner – Scaling Access to Financial Services

    Amount: $5.0 million

    Countries: Pan - African

    Significantly increase the amount of relevant, actionable knowledge about savings that is available to the Mastercard Foundation, portfolio partners, and the wider sector.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • MicroCred

    Project: Mass Market Financial Inclusion

    Amount: $12.0 million

    Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Senegal

    Improve access to financial services for 1,125,000 poor, unbanked clients in Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, and Madagascar.

    Develop savings and credit products that meet the needs of women, youth, and microenterprises that have low and inconsistent cash flows.

    Support MicroCred’s expansion into rural areas where it can reach underserved populations through new delivery channels and financial products.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • MicroSave

    Project: Training for Digital Finance Professionals

    Amount: $8.6 million

    Countries: Benin, Burkino Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo

    Address gaps in the expertise of financial service providers to offer digital financial services to low-income clients in French-speaking countries in Africa.

    Seven hundred practitioners from more than 275 organizations in the West African Economic and Monetary Union region, as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Madagascar, will benefit from increased access to digital financial services training.

    Delivery, uptake, and usage of financial services provided through participating organizations’ agent networks are expected to improve.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • Oxford Policy Management

    Project: Savings at the Frontier

    Amount: $17.6 million

    Countries: Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia

    Expand the range of financial services available to 250,000 financially excluded clients by designing and rolling out innovative products and delivery channels.

    Test and implement business models that can deliver sustainable financial services to savings groups and their members.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa

    Project: Microlead II

    Amount: $23.5 million

    Countries: Benin, Burkino Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda

    Increase access to financial services for 450,000 people, with an emphasis on savings, by implementing a variety of approaches including greenfields, transformations of MFIs to formally regulated deposit-taking institutions, and providing technical assistance to in-country MFIs.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa
  • WSBI

    Project: Making Small Scale Savings Work

    Amount: $16.1 million

    Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda

    One million new clients living on less than $2 per day will access and use savings services.

    Develop a sustainable business model that demonstrates that low-balance savings accounts can be profitable.

    Related Initiatives:

    • Expanding Access to Financial Services in Africa

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