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A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Senegal

In this working paper, we examine the effectiveness of youth employment programs in Senegal through a comprehensive review of programs and conducting focus-group discussions and interviews with key informants. Our findings indicate that the government interventions in Senegal between 2000 and 2021 were relevant and successful in helping many young people find employment. However, only a tiny portion of disadvantaged young individuals had access to these government programs, and even for those who did participate, the positive effects were short-lived. Consequently, the labour market outcomes for youth remain subpar.

We identify several governance issues that require improvement. Firstly, the employment programs lack inclusivity, leaving out many eligible individuals. Secondly, vulnerable groups, such as young refugees or those with disabilities, are inadequately targeted and excluded from these programs. Thirdly, the programs are not well-publicized among the youth population. Lastly, there is a lack of coordination among the various programs, resulting in fragmentation and reduced effectiveness.


PEP is partnering with the Mastercard Foundation for a three-year initiative on “What Works for Youth Employment in Africa.” It aims to provide evidence that can drive policy reform to increase youth employment in ten African countries. 

Read more about the Youth Employment Policies in Africa.

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