Young Africa Connects

Young Africa Connects is a Facebook Live series happening on our Young Africa Works Facebook page. Through it, we aim to inspire, engage, and uplift young people, while amplifying the incredible work they are doing across the continent. It is a platform for young people driven by young people. It’s also a place for young people where they to discuss issues and topics relevant to them, and receive the information and resources they need as they strive to build dignified lives for themselves and their families.

Upcoming Episodes

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Past Episodes

African Resilience: From Adversity to Opportunity

Aired: Thursday 1st October, 3pm-4pm

Our panelists, three young African entrepreneurs, discuss their journey, sharing the challenges they faced and how they overcome adversity to embrace or create opportunity. There are lessons in resilience in their stories that will enable young people to walk away with insights that they can apply to their own lives.

View it.

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