Hanga Ahazaza ‘Create the Future’ in Rwanda

Hanga Ahazaza is a $50 million, five-year initiative focused on increasing employment opportunities for young people while expanding the tourism and hospitality sector in Rwanda.

Growth in Rwanda’s tourism and hospitality sector is a key national priority. It’s vital to reducing poverty, improving youth employability, and moving the nation to middle-income status. The sector will have or create an estimated 151,000 jobs by 2030.

Hanga Ahazaza will equip 30,000 young men and women with the skills they need to transition into jobs in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Young people will receive training in communications, customer service, ICT, and digital literacy skills.

Hanga Ahazaza will also support entrepreneurs with small businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector through increased access to financial services and business development skills training so that they can create new employment opportunities for young people.

Learn more: Hanga Ahazaza: Four Journeys to Employment in Rwanda’s Tourism and Hospitality Sector


The initiative works with training institutions, providers, tourism associations, employers, and entrepreneurs.

Apply to the Hanga Ahazaza Initiative

Our partners manage the recruitment and selection of Hanga Ahazaza participants.

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