EleV Roadmap to 2030

Roadmap to 2030 Cover

The vision for EleV, a vision co-created and confirmed with Indigenous youth and communities, is for Indigenous youth to be living Mino Bimaadiziwin – “a good life” in the Anishinaabe language. Mino Bimaadiziwin is a holistic and Indigenized view of success – not simply employment but a meaningful livelihood, a fulfilling life, a life consistent with one’s traditions and values.

To achieve this vision, EleV’s goal is for education and employment systems to be transformed to enable 100,000 Indigenous young people to access post-secondary education and transition to a meaningful livelihood.

Realizing this vision requires a larger and more fundamental effort towards systems change – transforming education, training and employment systems based on the direction of Indigenous youth, communities and Nations so that these systems value and embed Indigenous languages, cultures, and worldviews, and support success for Indigenous youth.

We will advance systems change with our partners by highlighting new approaches, new models, lessons learned and best practices. We will demonstrate successes and innovations underway across the country. This will drive changes in policy and practice, spark support for new thinking, and increase large-scale investment for systems change. Existing systems will function more equitably to meet the needs of Indigenous young people, and new Indigenous systems will be built and strengthened.

Download the Roadmap to 2030