Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program e-Learning Initiative addresses the disruption to learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It will strengthen Scholars Program partner universities to deliver high-quality and inclusive online instruction and provide virtual support to all students. It will also support the development of a community of practice in e-learning.

In phase 1 (September 2020 to March 2022), the initiative will focus on instructional design and pedagogy and content development and acquisition. An estimated 95,000 tertiary students could benefit indirectly from phase 1 through strengthened pedagogy and/or access to online content.

During the second phase (March 2022 to 2025), the initiative will be scaled to other institutions and countries in the Foundation’s network.

Mastercard Foundation will lead the design and delivery of the Initiative, in partnership with Arizona State University (lead trainer) and United States International University – Africa (network facilitator) and 10 Scholars Program partner institutions participating in the first phase.

Along with the Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning in ICT, the Foundation will host and curate the content developed by participating universities. And support interested universities to develop and improve institutional platforms to host online content.

Proposal submissions from existing and new partner universities will be considered in the future.


During phase 1, the Mastercard Foundation will partner with the following institutions:

  1. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  2. American University of Beirut
  3. Ashesi University 
  4. EARTH University
  5. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  6. Makerere University
  7. United States International University – Africa
  8. University of Abomey-Calavi
  9. University of Gondar
  10. University of Rwanda