Quality, relevant secondary education is critical to ensuring young people have the skills and competencies they need to succeed in work and in life. It’s not just the years spent in school that are important. Research shows that the quality of learning impacts a young person’s future income and productivity.

Teachers are the front line of the education system and reach thousands of students over their careers. Investing in teachers can improve secondary education outcomes and improve life and livelihood opportunities for youth. Yet the teaching profession in Africa faces many challenges: schools are often under-resourced, teaching conditions are poor, retention is low, and compensation is inadequate. These challenges are especially acute in rural and remote areas. If we consider that every teacher reaches thousands of young people over their career, then removing barriers for even one teacher can result in exponential gains in learning outcomes, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Leaders in Teaching responds to the opportunities that a quality secondary education represents for the African continent. It supports teachers throughout their careers and prepares them to deliver high-quality, relevant education.

Leaders in Teaching has two components: country-level programs and pan-African centres for innovation.

Learn more: Leaders in Teaching Info-Story: Unlocking Quality Secondary Education Opportunities in Africa
Learn more: Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning in ICT Investing in Teachers in Africa

Country-Level Programs

Developed in consultation with local and national stakeholders, these programs are tailored to meet their specific needs and priorities. Elements include:

  • Recruiting top graduates who are passionate about teaching into the profession;
  • Training new and experienced teachers in mathematics, science, and ICT curricula, and employing competency-based and student-centred teaching approaches;
  • Strengthening educational leadership at schools; and
  • Elevating teachers’ professional status through recognition and career development opportunities.

Secondary education is the time when youth acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be productive and effective in obtaining secure work and income opportunities. Leaders in Teaching mobilizes and supports teachers and leaders who are at the front lines of education, and prepares young people for meaningful employment.



