
What Works for African Youth Employment: A New Multi-Country Study in Partnership with PEP

The Mastercard Foundation has partnered with Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) to explore what works for African youth employment. The partnership is conducting a multi-country study that aims to synthesize existing youth employment and related social development policies in 10 African countries; Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Niger, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, and South Africa.

The study comprehensively reviews existing youth employment policies in targeted countries and extracts lessons to inform interventions. The study aims to provide a solid foundation for strategic decision-making, policy adjustments, and innovative approaches to youth employment in Africa.

The research is being conducted under the leadership of a resolute team of country researchers and stakeholders, interrogating, documenting, analyzing, and reporting the current policies and their impact on fostering youth employment. In addition, the findings highlight underfunding, inadequate targeting, and political influences, shedding light on the need for more effective and inclusive youth employment policies in Africa.

Working Papers

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Ghana

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Kenya

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Niger

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Nigeria

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Senegal

A Review of Youth Employment Policies and Their Impact in Uganda

Policy Briefs

An Empirical Review of Youth Employment Policies in Senegal

An Empirical Review of Youth Employment Policies in Uganda

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