
Fueling Collaboration and Innovation in Africa: Scholar Perspectives

Baobab Summit 2018

The 2018 Baobab Summit’s themes are collaboration and innovation. We asked Scholars to share their ideas, in essays or poetry, on how youth can collaborate and innovate to fuel Africa’s social and economic transformation.


We have often heard the African proverb, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Many times, we miss the opportunity to achieve greater impact because of our reluctance to collaborate. The only barrier to collaboration is the unwillingness to collaborate. Innovative social change no longer comes from thinking outside the box, but rather getting rid of the box and collaborating with others.

Precious Nemutenzi, EARTH University

Precious Mastercard Foundation Scholar


Each and every one of us is a product of collaboration and if we are going to go-back and give-back to our communities, we have to consider the power of collaboration. (…) For the first time in history, young Africans are leaving the continent in large groups to pursue academic and professional opportunities with the promise of coming back and giving back. And I believe we can transform our lives and those of our respective communities by working together.

Madit D. Ring Yel, Arizona State University

Madit D Ring Yel, Mastercard Foundation Scholar


Educating the young generation of Africans critical thinking and innovative skills is not just my job, but the job of everyone. The job of every African. This way, our continent shall overcome these economic, political, and societal challenges.

Muhammad Mustapha Jammeh, Ashesi University College

Muhammad Mastercard Foundation Scholar


Collaboration creates an environment of togetherness which helps to support one another. Everyone has weaknesses and strengths so with collaboration the weakness of others is substituted. (…) One person can make an impact but not as much as the one done by two or more people. Collaboration makes it easy to pull different range of resources. Resources in the form of human knowledge, experiences, perspectives, funds, and ideas. Thus, it maximizes the wealth endowed in others

Yesmin Kofigah Alhassan, Ashesi University College

Yesmin Mastercard Foundation Scholar


In a dream, I saw Kwame Nkrumah through the vicissitude of time saying in Accra, Ghana that “our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of Africa..” These words showed the power and vision of collaboration.

In that dream, I saw a beautiful Africa; one where there was high rise buildings, an uninterrupted flow of water and electricity, quality healthcare, quality, affordable and easily accessible education.

Seidu Yahya, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Seidu Yahya Mastercard Foundation Scholar


What we need now are African youths who are passionate
And have the sense of urgent necessity in innovative ideas
Because it’s through these young leaders that Africa may receive its breakthrough.
It’s through them that we can outperform the competitors and create new markets.
Let’s be innovative today, tomorrow and always.
And see you after innovation

Thabu Mugala, EARTH University

Thabu Mastercard Foundation Scholar


Raindrop is small
Smaller than the small
Smaller than the bundle of hope encircled
In the hands of a newborn baby
Raindrop is shy
Shyer than shy
Shyer than the buttocks of baboon
And the face of raccoon in daylight
Raindrop is weak
Weaker than weak
Weaker than the legs of baby antelope on the first hour of life on earth
Raindrop is afraid
Afraid to be Afraid
Afraid to vaporize before seeing him
For he glows a gold that leaves the sun questioning the moon
His heat leaves the earth uncomfortable so it vomits from the top of the mountains
When he tracks in the forest
He leaves Ashes
Raindrop is supposed to fight him
Raindrop panics
Raindrop is just a forgotten fraction of the sea
A lost sip in the tip of an empty glass
A body incapable of drowning an ant
Yet Raindrop is supposed to fight a fire
Raindrop stumbles upon an idea
Raindrop has million other blobs of hydro like him
They swallows cargos
Digest lives
And spit out salt
Pacifies volcanoes
And extinguish flames
Raindrop realizes that
With collaboration
Raindrop can defeat him

Brandon Bwanakocha, University of British Columbia

Brandon Mastercard Foundation Scholar

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